Message from President

Since our establishment in March 1962, we have offered consumer financial services that promptly meet the diverse funding needs of our customers by developing safe and convenient personal loan products and building the infrastructure for dealing with customer inquiries and loan applications while keeping pace with changes in people’s lives and lifestyles. On April 1,2012, we became a member of the SMBC Group, and on July 1 of the same year, we changed our company name from Promise Co., Ltd. to SMBC Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. (SMBCCF).
With a view to further growth, we have striven to strengthen not only our financing (direct loan) business but also our loan guarantee, overseas, and loan management businesses as the nucleus of the SMBC Group’s consumer finance business in cooperation with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and other SMBC Group companies. In recent years, the environment surrounding us has been changing rapidly due to many factors,including an accelerating pace of technological innovation and the entry of companies entering the financial sector from other industries. Having recognized this environment, we have formulated a medium-term management plan for the three-year period starting from fiscal 2023, and we have set this policy:“We Will Continue to Support the Future of Our Customers and Society.” Moreover, we have added our fourth strategic pillar“pursuing social value” to the following three: “increasing the market share of our core business,” “significantly strengthening our management foundation,” and “expanding into new business areas.”Though our efforts with these four strategies,we aim for sustainable growth.
In September 2023, we defined our core value as “PROMISE as a Lifestyle Support Brand,” and we updated our brand logo and slogan. The new brand slogan is “We PROMISE you a thumbs-up.” It has a double meaning:we PROMISE you to give you a thumbs-up when you want to use our services, and we also PROMISE that you will give us a thumbs-up when you use our services.
These are the promises we have made since Promise and will continue to make to you with the brand name “PROMISE.” Our view of consumer finance is to provide stable, continuous services through which customers can borrow money with peace of mind. Working closely with our customers, we will strive to build a sound consumer finance market by providing optimal services and support tailored to customers’ specific needs. We will also take action to resolve social issues and achieve sustainability through our business activities. On March 20, 2022, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of our founding. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to be the global consumer finance company that is most trusted by our customers.
April 2024