Our Approach to Sustainability
SMBC Consumer Finance is involved in activities for the realization of a sustainable society in accordance with the basic policy set out by the SMBC Group.
SMBC Group Statement on Sustainability
As a Group which has roots in Mitsui and Sumitomo, SMBC Group has continuously upheld its commitment to sustainability. Based on initiative that we have set out for our concentrated efforts for issues in society, we will drive forward our efforts to make sustainability a reality.
Definition of sustainability
SMBC Group defines sustainability as “creating a society in which today's generation can enjoy economic prosperity and well-being, and pass it on to future generations.”
Understanding of the Present Situation and Our Role
As a financial institution, we will engage and act together with customers and other stakeholders to contribute to the global transformation into a better society.
Basic Policy Conscious of Sustainability
SMBC Consumer Finance formulates a definition and basic policy for CSR to pursue solutions to social issues through its business activities.
SMBC Consumer Finance’s
SMBC Consumer Finance is working to earn the trust of society. We are creating, providing, and sharing economics and social value for all of our stakeholders, and continuously growing together with society. That is our CSR stance.
Basic policy for our CSR
On the basis of establishing a stable management base and through compliance,
we strive to ensure steady profits through sound business activities while working activery to solve various issues.
To increase our corporate barand value,all our employees comply with the hopes and needs of society by always considering "What is the value for the customer and society?"and"What can we do to help?"
We constantly target the wishes and needs of each customer as we aim to become a globally trusted consumer finance company.
Our Relationship with Our Stakeholders
We aim to realize sustainable growth across society as a whole by creating a system of values to be shared in our connections (bonds) with all stakeholders, centered around our customers, society and our employees.

Our 'Customer First (CF)' Promise
Our name SMBC Consumer Finance (SMBCCF) expresses our 'Customer First (CF)' promise.
Engagement with Stakeholders
Bond Between Employees and Society
We will strengthen our bond with society though our CSR activities.
Bond Between Employees and Customers
We will strengthen our bond with customers through our products and services.
Bond Between Society and Customers
We will strengthen our bond with customers by building trust through CSR activities.
SDG Initiatives
Since FY2019, we have been SDG-based plans and implementing initiatives to achieve them. By continuing to promote CSR activities and implement initiatives for achievement of the SDGs in the future, we aim to be a "company that leaves no-one behind."

*A set of international development goals for the period from 2016 to 2030 specified in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015